Farm Bill Evaluation Pt 1
I'm Bob Larson. Now that the 2018 Farm Bill has passed and awaits implementation, many are still breathing that big sigh of relief after months of back-and-forth between House and Senate agriculture leaders.At the Potato Expo in Austin, Texas, National Potato Council Vice President of Public Affairs, Kam Quarles was asked it he was pleased with the passage after such a long struggle and a lot of uncertainty?
QUARLES ... "That is a very big smile on my face. I think a lot of folks recognize how challenging the environment is in Washington and against all of those odds, in a very dysfunctional environment, Congress was able to get together and pass, on a bipartisan basis, by an overwhelming vote, one of the best Farm Bills that any of us has experienced."
Quarles says the Farm Bill is great for so many different ag sectors and would not have passed without a lot of hard work from a lot of people ...
QUARLES ... "It's got some tremendous value in it, specifically for the potato industry, the specialty crop industry broadly, and so it's a real success story that really, in this environment, shouldn't have happened, but it did because of some very dedicated, committed leadership by some veterans on the House and Senate agriculture committees who really wanted to take the opportunity to make sure this got done for America's farmers."
Quarles says passage of this Farm Bill is a true success story on so many levels.
Listen tomorrow for more Farm Bill reaction and some of its key ingredients.