Understanding Fake Meat
Understanding FAKE MEAT. What is it, and how could it effect Farmers and Ranchers?Danielle Beck with the NCBA explains.
Animals are meat, and plants are not. But now, it's getting a lot more complicated thanks to cultured, or what some might call "fake," meat.
Companies like Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are using science labs and farms, rather than animal meat, to create products that rival traditional grilling staples like burgers and hot dogs.
The U.S. Cattlemen's Association is looking to draw a line in the sand and launch what could be the first salvo in a long battle against plant-based foods. Earlier this month, the association filed a 15-page petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture calling for an official definition for the term "beef," and more broadly, "meat."
She says the beef industry is no stranger to smear campaigns, and they wont be running for the hills. Meanwhile - Producers of "fake meat" also known as "Meat Substitutes" are making their own case..
To be sure, this isn't the first fight over food labeling. The dairy industry knows first hand. Dairy farmers want to make terms like "milk" and "yogurt" exclusive. More than 20 years later, there's still no consensus.