CCA Brand Inspector of the Year
At the recent Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Mid-Winter Conference, the CCA presented awards to highlight industry members who have made a difference in the state’s beef industry. Chad Moore was named Brand Inspector of the Year for 2015. He has worked as a brand inspector since 2007. Moore says that his favorite part of the job is finding strays — he continues with the other aspects of what he enjoys about his job.Moore: “Top of that you’re never working with livestock alone so there is always somebody — people owning the livestock — and quite a few of them are salt-of-the earth people and a lot of them are fun to be around. Unfortunately we are usually in a hurry to get to the next place so we aren’t able to visit with some of the people you’d like to for very long.”
Serving as the supervisor of Southwest Colorado, Chad took a pivotal role last year during the Animas River spill relaying information between state government and livestock producers in the region.
The ranchers he serves appreciate his willingness to provide livestock and fence law training to law enforcement agencies throughout southwest Colorado. The beef producers in his region value highly Chad’s professionalism and dedication to the livestock industry.