Chipotle Reopening & ESA Changes
Chipotle Reopening & ESA Changes. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Chipotle restaurants in Oregon and Washington have reopened despite not finding any sign of E. coli that sickened 42 people in both states. Health officials say that the bacteria probably came from tainted produce but out of nearly 900 tests of equipment and food prep surfaces, no bacteria was found. Chipotle voluntarily closed 43 stores in both states. All stores have complied with state health official guidelines including disposing of all food items, sanitizing each facility and bringing in all new food. Menu items identified as high risk will be tested before being sent to restaurants, and all fresh produce will be carefully rinsed and sanitized.
Many people have been calling for changes to the Endangered Species Act may very well be in the offing. Species like the Western Sage Grouse and grey wolves have gotten a lot of press lately as to whether they should or should not be listed. Interior Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Bean says collaborative working lands conservation efforts are proving to be a successful way to prevent listing of threatened species such as the sage grouse.
BEAN: The decision not to list that species was widely heralded as a breakthrough endangered species accomplishments.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.