3-23 NWR Farm Friendly Trump
This is your Northwest report for Thursday, March 23, I'm David Sparks and ag producers have been a little bit on edge due to Pres. Trump's approach to trade deals such as NAFTA. However, the president hasn't forgotten rural voters who were a key to his election and he hasn't forgotten that. Ray Starling his special assistant for agriculture, trade and food assistance says the administration will look to address trade regulations and profitability. He says the president wants to open new markets for agriculture. "The president is committed to negotiating agreements that secure open and equitable access to foreign markets that insist upon the use of sound science when scientific judgments are implicated that eliminate tariffs or subsidy regimes that unfairly disadvantage American products and hold our trading partners accountable when they invoke unfair or unjustified market practices.The DAIRY PRIDE Act would ensure enforcement of current dairy product labelling regulations, not expand or create new regulations. Farm First Dairy Cooperative based in Madison, Wisconsin, supports the DAIRY PRIDE Act, an acronym for the Defending Against Imitations and Replacements of Yogurt, milk, and cheese to Promote Regular Intake of Dairy Everyday Act. The bill was introduced in January in the U.S. Senate by Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin.
Farm First Dairy Cooperative general manager David Cooper says the act is asking Congress to ensure the Food and Drug Administration enforces current regulations since plant-based products are being put in the dairy case imitating dairy products.