Search: grouse
69 Results
69 Results
William Kanitz has a program where you install solar panels in a field and ultimately you grow crops, electricity and sage grouse.
William Kanitz has a program where you install solar panels in a field and ultimately you grow crops, electricity and sage grouse.
New research finds sage grouse populations grow faster in areas with juniper tree removal.
Land & Livestock Report
Livestock Groups Call Attention to Judicial Activism in Sage Grouse Case
Land & Livestock Report
Sage Grouse Conservation Plan Amendments Supported by Affected States's Governors
Land & Livestock Report
ASI Joins with PLC in Filing Sage Grouse Comments
Land & Livestock Report
Nevada Rancher to Congress: Give States More Authority to Protect Greater Sage Grouse
Land & Livestock Report
WSU Helping with Sage Grouse Research Project
Colorado Ag Today
Yesterday, Public Lands Council President Brenda Richards testified at a Senate Subcommittee hearing about the importance of grazing in sage grouse habitat conservation.
Land & Livestock Report
Earlier this week Western Colorado rancher and National Cattlemen's Beef Association Federal Lands Committee Chair Robbie LeValley testified before the House Natural Resources Committee to discuss the potential consequences of the Administrations's critical habitat policy.
Land & Livestock Report
Although the federal government determined not to list the greater sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act, soon after came the release of the federal land management agencies' plan to manage the sage grouse habitat.
Northwest Report
A new online mapping tool helps sage grouse...and a northwest wheat farmer has been named to a national task force.
Northwest Report
Watchdog and environmental groups win the right to argue for sage grouse...and a Washington conservation district gets an award.
Land & Livestock Report
Great news last week, the USDA has made $40 million available to help ranchers and other partners in 11 western states restore and protect sagebrush habitat for greater sage-grouse on privately-owned land.