ASI Joins with PLC in Filing Sage Grouse Comments
Hi everybody it's time for your Land and Livestock Report here on the Ag Information Network of the West-I'm Russell Nemetz.The American Sheep Industry Association joined with the Public Lands Council in submitting comments to the U.S. Forest Service in response to their Notice of Intent to prepare Environmental Impact Statements on Greater Sage Grouse Land Management issues regarding the 2015 Land Use Plan Amendments for the Greater Sage Grouse.
The 2015 Land Use plans placed a number of significant and arbitrary burdens on land use that not only tied the hands of producers, but impaired state and private efforts to conserve sage grouse habitat and populations. Specifically, the 2015 amendments added land-use restrictions without addressing the primary threats to sage grouse habitat of wildfire and invasive species.
Sheep producers understand that the best practices for improving sage grouse habitat are reducing fuel load, controlling noxious weeds and preserving open space. Grazing should be seen as a critical tool to enhance wildlife habitat, not a threat.
ASI's comments can be found at:
That's your Land and Livestock Report-I'm Russell Nemetz.