So I’m not sure how many listeners are following this season’s The Bachelor on ABC which began last week but the Bachelor is Chris Soules a corn and soybean farmer from Iowa. I’ve been watching it just to see the women’s perception of him and their impression of farming.Yesterday on social media’s Twitter I started following the # FiveWordsToRuinADateWithAFarmer — I’m sharing some of these tweets with you — well because they will make you chuckle and am betting that before the season is over we will hear at least a few of these from the bachelorettes vying for the Iowa bachelor’s attention. Anyone hoping to marry a farmer or rancher in the future may want to remember to avoid these phrases.
I don’t get up early.
You must be so rich.
We can vacation in October.
I can’t live without Starbucks
Gluten is killing the world.
I work for the EPA.
Why do you need bulls?
Who is this, “John Deere”?
Why do you work holidays?
What’s so important about tractors?
I don’t wanna get dirty.
Do you grow organic alfalfa?
I don’t like dirt roads.
And my personal favorite …
Let’s Go Eat at Chipolte.