Monday PNW Hay and Crop Progress Update
USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Greg Sanders sharesSanders: “On the Columbia Basin hay report we had 23,300 tons of hay trade. Alfalfa for domestic and export trade was steady. Large squares for the supreme hay for dairies sold from $260 to $270. Good to premium export hay sold from $240 to $245. Orchard grass for retail markets also in small squares also sold for $260 to $275. Large square Timothy for export market premium sold from $270 to $280 and small squares Timothy for export market $280.”
In Oregon, prices were generally steady compared to the week of June 27th's offerings for the same quality. Trading increased significantly during the week, as compared to the previous week. Most locations have started second harvest.
In Idaho compared to the previous week, Alfalfa steady to weak. Trade was slow for the holiday shortened week. Demand remains good. Buyer demand good with light to moderate supplies.
A quick update on the crop progress report for the Northwest from Jackson Commodities Henry Kornegay
Kornegay: “Crops are in pretty good shape throughout Washington Idaho and Oregon. Spring wheat is in good shape in Idaho at 72 percent good to excellent. Oregon’s 56 percent good to excellent. Spring wheat appears to be struggling a little bit in Washington at 24 percent good to excellent. And winter wheat condition is pretty similar to spring wheat in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.”