Sheep Expo Skillathon
Sheep Expo SkillathonI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
Sheep producers between the ages of 8 and 21 will have the opportunity to showcase their lambs and learn how to produce animals that are market ready at the Northwest Junior Sheep Exposition being held in Moses Lake July 18 and 19. Part of the two day event will be the Skillathon contest that WSU Extension Animal Sciences Regional Specialist Sarah Smith says is more than just finding the youth that have the eye for the lamb.
SMITH: We're trying to also test their knowledge. So, they're given anything from different types of breed, identifying feed, animal health concerns - and there's a judging class involved with it and we incorporate animal data so that hopefully these youths are becoming a more well-rounded shepherd, than just a person who is a showman who can show a sheep. So, even though they might not raise sheep later on, hopefully they'll have a greater appreciation for what it takes to raise a quality meat product from farm to table.
Smith says this is one of the event's activities that adults are actually allowed to participate in.
SMITH: Sometimes the adults don't do as well as the youth and it kind of makes some adults really appreciate how much their kids have learned by being involved in the 4-H and FFA projects.
Smith explains what the nearly 100 youth who generally participate in the Northwest Junior Sheep Expo come away with.
SMITH: We give some nice premiums and we give some feed and halters and stuff like that, but they come for the activity, and the level, and the camaraderie.
The event is open to the general public and will include educational exhibits. For more information visit and look under upcoming events.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.