Monsanto Gives $75,000 to Pacific Northwest Rural Schools
As those of us who live in rural communities know, the level of funding for our rural school districts continues to be diminished. A bright spot for eligible rural school districts has been Monsanto’s Grow Rural Schools’ Program which in its second year awarded $2.3 million through 181 grants in 32 states.
Monsanto Customer Advocacy Manager Heather Wolfe shares more about this program’s purpose.
Wolfe: “This program is our way in investing in the next generation. It provides grant funds to fund a variety of math and science initiatives in rural school districts. Farmers are able to nominate their school districts, who are then eligible to submit a grant for either $10,000 or $25,000 that is focused on math or science education.”
Wolfe shares the results for the Pacific Northwest’s winning rural schools.
Wolfe: “In the Northwest, we were so excited this year to have six grants totaling $75,000. There was one $10,000 grant winner in Washington and that was Mount Adams School District. There was another $10,000 grant winner in Oregon and that was Vale School District 84. And in Idaho we had four winners this year. Three were in the $10,000 category and that was Caldwell School District 132, Gooding Joint District and Valley School District 262. Then the big winner in Idaho was the Parma District and they received a $25,000 grant.”
To learn whether your rural school district is located in an eligible county for the 2014 program, go to to learn more.