Devastating Fires Bring Creation of RESTOR Task Force
Devastating Fires Bring Creation of RESTOR Task Force
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report after this.
The Pacific Northwest has had more than enough wildfires within our three states. In Oregon more than a million acres have been burned this summer in just three of the fires.
In response to these devastating and destructive fires, the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association has created a new task force within the OCA dedicated to providing assistance and education, building understanding and awareness, and facilitating improvements regarding current and future wildfires in the state. RESTOR which stands for Restore Everything Strategically Through Organized Response, has producers as well as scientists and representatives from both federal and state agencies.Curtis Martin Oregon Cattlemen’s Association President shares more details.
Martin: “Right now I think we are really pretty well coordinated and just want to make sure that the ranchers out there realize that we are looking at all of the factors and are going to have a in-depth review with agency folks on fire management bringing forward the credentialed technical people that have the experience so we can look at maybe new different management techniques or getting on these fires in an immediate fashion so that they don’t explode into these hundred of thousands of acres of destruction.”
Martin says that the task force is pleased to have the support of the Oregon Congressional delegation, the Governor’s office as well as the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on the Northwest Ag Information Network.