Helping Commercial Cattlemen's Bottom Line
Helping Commercial Cattlemen’s Bottom Line
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report after this.
As all ranchers and beef producers know, quality genetics can improve their operation’s bottom line. In today’s environment of strong prices but also high expenses, knowing specifically which cows are producing the best calves can help add even more profits to a rancher’s pockets.
Allen Bush is Communications Coordinator with All West/Select Sires, a 71-year-old farmer-owned cooperative which sells more than 1.2 million units of frozen beef and dairy semen annually. Bush shares more details about a new program, The Beef Connection, adding value to the services the cooperative provides their beef customers and interested ranchers.
Bush: “The Beef Connection provides you with the tools to discover which individuals are making you money and which are not. Returning feed conversion and carcass data will allow you to create a marketing plan that will allows you to repeat your success.”
This program is most effective for commercial cattle producers who are already tracking birth and weaning weights, dam and sire ID as well as age & source verification.
The Beef Connection program collects, analyzes and interprets data such as sire and dam heritage, feed performance and carcass quality. This enables participating cattle producers to make important decisions about genetic selection, nutrition, health, develop higher quality herds, create superior heifer replacements, and market their cattle more profitably.
If you’d like to learn more about this program, go to
I’m KayDee Gilkey with the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on the Northwest Ag Information Network.