Feeding the Hungry
Charles Dickens wrote in his famous “A Christmas Carol” story, “ this time of year is a time when want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices”. That and most of what Dickens wrote throughout the rest of that endearingly favorite of stories still rings true today. While it is sad that we as a nation and members of the global community still fight hunger on a daily basis it is encouraging that there are numerous groups and organizations worldwide working hard to end world hunger. Farmers and ranchers here in the U.S.are an often unrecognized group of individuals who help fight hunger, often as they themselves are facing hard times. In nearly every state food banks and other relief agencies have received tons of produce and meat products from local farmers and ranchers to help feed the hungry. Thankfully, these fresh food donations go on all throughout the year, not just at holiday time. Farmers and ranchers have always been known to help others in times of need, and will never shy away from helping those who lack access to healthy nutritious food; even if it means they themselves have to make do with less.