Another Attack On Agriculture
Al Gore is ramping things up again in his campaign against, well, just about everything, which must mean he’s run out of money from his last book/movie deal. He’s taking a stab once again at agriculture, touting modern farming as “a major part of the problem in regards to the world’s climate issues, with the shift toward a more meat intensive diet.” I was under the impression that there was a consumer shift towards a more fruit and vegetable intensive diet. In fact, we’re bombarded on a daily basis with anti-meat propaganda. There are times as meat eaters many of us almost feel the need to apologize for our pro-meat diet. So what has Gore all worked up into a curse word frenzy, as was so apparent in his Colorado appearance earlier this month? Could it be that the science just doesn’t back him up, or that the public is increasingly skeptical of his global warming message? While conserving energy and reducing our dependance on fossil fuels is a no brainer, and will be beneficial all around, it’s hard to take the nation’s number one climate change scare monger serious when considering that he lives in a ten thousand square foot energy eating mega mansion.