Common Sense Prevails
Remember all the hoopla here while back over the feared threat of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration supposedly taking steps to require all farmers to get commercial driver’s licenses? The FMCSA found themselves literally flooded with letters of consternation and protest from not only farmers but legislators as well. Who knows where the whole thing started in the first place. Probably some official or bureaucrat somewhere came up with what they perceived as a great way to recoup some much needed budget losses. Thankfully, something that doesn’t happen too often when it comes to reviewing and, or implementing new rules and regulations happened, the FMCSA has decided to drop the whole thing, stating that they “have no intention of instituting onerous regulations on the hardworking farmers who feed our country and fuel our economy”. Well, that’s certainly refreshing, and in all honesty very surprising. Who knows perhaps this kind of level headed, common sense approach will be the wave of the future in D.C. Yes, I know that’s probably a little too much to hope for but one can dream can’t one.