Chicken Little Tirade

Chicken Little Tirade

Is anyone else out there getting tired of hearing the radical animal rights activists scream that the sky is falling? Their most recent “chicken little” tirade involves, ironically, a lawsuit expected to be filed concerning the supposed cancer producing chemical in well done or barbequed chicken. They’re seeking to have warning signs placed in restaurants that serve barbequed chicken. This chemical by the way has repeatedly been shown in scientific studies to pose no cancer risk to humans. But as is typical with these radicals the truth is the least of their worries. Their plan according to their legal counsel Dan Kinburn is to “sue virtually every restaurant that is not serving an all vegetarian diet.” Once again the American courts are to be used and abused to push a fear mongering agenda onto the American consumer.  The American public can only hope that our judicial system and the judges that preside therein have the sensibility to see this for what it is, deceitful, fraudulent, and dangerous radical animal rights activists’ propaganda.

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