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118 Results
Idaho Ag Today
IDWR Director finds shortfall in 2024 end-of-season Methodology Order
The Agribusiness Update
California Water Resources Control Board has approved rate increases, including for groundwater recharge projects, and the USDA has awarded more than $25 million to support eight projects under the new Assisting Specialty Crop Imports Initiative.
Line on Agriculture
Protect The Harvest works to protect producers against animal rights activist groups.
The Agribusiness Update
Due to economic impacts in the Klamath Basin, county leaders are urging water officials to provide a full water allocation to irrigators this year, and several key agricultural groups issued responses to the Senate Ag Committee Republicans’ farm bill framework.
The Agribusiness Update
Due to economic impacts in the Klamath Basin, county leaders are urging water officials to provide a full water allocation to irrigators this year, and several key agricultural groups issued responses to the Senate Ag Committee Republicans’ farm bill framework.
California Ag Today
New documents from State Water Resources Control Board aim to improve understanding of water rights holders as to their rights and reporting requirements.
California Ag Today
It’s just been announced that the Division of Water Rights will be sending Notices of Violation in the next few weeks for those who have not submitted the annual reports or statements. Those were due before February 1.
California Ag Today
Lawmakers last week introduced the Opportunities for Fairness in Farming, or OFF Act, aimed at reforming the federal checkoff system. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s CEO, Colin Woodall responds.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big news for agriculture out of Washington D.C. where the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA in the Sackett vs EPA case, and U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives his reaction.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Big news for agriculture out of Washington D.C. where the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA in the Sackett vs EPA case, and U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse gives his reaction.
The Agribusiness Update
Timber and forest products predicted to return to typical seasonal demand, and the Supreme Court rules against the EPA in the case Sackett vs. EPA regarding WOTUS Rule.
The Agribusiness Update
Weather challenges are having an impact on some of the early spring and summer produce in Georgia, and the Supreme Court rules against the EPA in the case Sackett vs. EPA regarding WOTUS Rule.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Whatcom County Seed Potato grower Scott Bedlington says a tone-deaf Olympia needs to stop adding unreasonable regulations or farmers will have no choice but to sell their land.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Whatcom County Seed Potato grower Scott Bedlington says a tone-deaf Olympia needs to stop adding unreasonable regulations or farmers will have no choice but to sell their land.
California Ag Today
SB 88, or the State Water Resource Control Board’s water measurement regulations moved its deadline from April and July up to February 1. The California Cattlemen Association’s podcast the Sorting Pen included some information on that. Here is a clip from that podcast of Noah Lopez with the Rancher Technical Assistance Program.
California Ag Today
SB 88, or the State Water Resource Control Board’s water measurement regulations moved its deadline from April and July up to February 1. The California Cattlemen Association’s podcast the Sorting Pen included some information on that. Here is a clip from that podcast of Noah Lopez with the Rancher Technical Assistance Program.
The Agribusiness Update
California strawberry growers projected to plant record acreage this year, and American Farm Bureau and John Deere sign memorandum of understanding allowing farmers to repair their own equipment.
The Agribusiness Update
California appellate court rules in favor of longtime water rights holders, and EPA withdraws interim approval of glyphosate while investigation continues.
California Ag Today
California’s Proposition 12 is going to the Supreme Court this fall to hear arguments on the new rules for different products such as swine, veal calves and eggs in California.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers along California's Russian River are proposing solutions to water supply issues, and more data on restaurant closures caused by pandemic.