California Water Rights Certification and USDA Updates 3 Crop Insurance Options
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**California law requires water-rights holders, including agricultural interests, to measure and report the water they divert from rivers and streams.
It’s a complex process, requiring metering equipment and, often, expenses in hiring professionals to do the work.
But the state is now allowing water-rights holders to do the measuring themselves, if they complete certification courses offered by University of California Extension.
The reporting requirement applies to diversions exceeding 10 acre-feet a year.
**The National Milk Producers Federation says it’s looking forward to the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in over 50 years.
The conference goals are to end hunger, increase healthy eating and physical activity, and decrease the prevalence of diet-related diseases in the country.
NMPF President, Jim Mulhern says “Diets that include dairy help to lower risk for cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.”
**The USDA has updated three key crop insurance options for livestock producers to offer better protection and flexibility.
The options are Dairy Revenue Protection, Livestock Gross Margin, and Livestock Risk Protection.
The Risk Management Agency revised the insurance options to reach more producers and better meet the needs of America’s swine, dairy, and cattle operations.
The updates recently got published for the 2023 crop year, which begins on July 1.