Per-Plant Data Collection

Per-Plant Data Collection

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

Producing affordable food that is consistently available for consumers everywhere requires farming at a very large scale. Modern farm businesses operating at this scale can still benefit from knowing what’s happening with every single plant. That’s one of the benefits of Bloomfield AI’s system. CEO Mark DeSantis says the data from their system gives farmers agronomic insights on a per-plant basis and is customizable.

DeSantis… “The grower, every farmer has their own recipe. So some growers like to pick berries at a certain color, size, a little bit lower, higher threshold than the one down the street. The grower sets that threshold. So essentially they, they can set a threshold per bush that says when these blueberries reach above this threshold, that is the number of blueberries, the color, the size, when they reach a certain level of let's call it ripeness, signal me to pick that bush. So now you see a, in a sense, you look at a classic heat map that all farmers have, but that heat map is derived from berry-level knowledge. So when the grower says, tell me which bushes to harvest, it's literally saying, that bush, that one, the one three down. So that level of specificity allows the grower to then deploy their resources.”

Bloomfield AI was recently acquired by Kubota in September 2024.

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