The Evolution of See and Spray Technology

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Artificial intelligence already exists on the farm, and certain applications are being adopted quickly. A great example of this is John Deere’s See and Spray technology. The ability to target only the weeds with chemical applications, even green weeds in a green crop, can lead to a lot of savings. John Deere manager for technology standards and regulatory affairs Adam Barlow says farmers have been eager to embrace this technology.
Barlow… “We started with See and Spray Select technology, which is more of the green on brown or in a fallow situation. And then we got into See and Spray Ultimate, the full green on green solution. And then we took that See and Spray Ultimate technology now and these, over this past about a year and a half, we came out with See and Spray Premium, which is now taking that Ultimate technology, developing it into a retrofit kit that can fit on existing sprayers dating back to model year '18”
Chemical savings of over 60% have been reported in some situations.
Barlow… “ We continue to see folks really taking advantage of the chemical savings so they understanding how much money their savings with the chemical and then the price of the machine justifies that cost, right? So through chemical savings, I'm applying less. I'm saving on my, in my chemical costs. It justifies the cost for adopting a new technology.”
Again that’s Adam Barlow with John Deere.