Finding Shelter for Animals in Fire Areas

Finding Shelter for Animals in Fire Areas

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
We haven’t yet breached the topic of California’s current fires here in your ag news. It’s obviously taken up the majority of news coverage not only here in the state, but nationally as well. At that, I did want to make a little caveat on today’s program for resources as they pertain to animals.

If you or someone you know has been affected by the Los Angeles Fires and needs a location to shelter animals, there are two hotlines that have been set up to assist.

It’s hard to convey phone numbers over the air, but just the same:

• South County Communication Center (562) 940-6898

• North County Communication Center (661) 940-4191

We are not just talking small animals. For the Palisades, Eaton, and Hurst Fire areas, resources are available for sheltering large animals as well. Resources including forms you may need and information on volunteer positions can be found on the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s website’s Animal Response Emergency Support page:

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