Search: california agriculture
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79 Results
California Ag Today
This funding is part of a $70 million nationwide effort to combat invasive plant pests and diseases, ensuring the health of agriculture and natural resources.
California Ag Today
If you or someone you know has been affected by the Los Angeles Fires and needs a location to shelter small or large animals, here is the information you need.
California Ag Today
The Almond Board of California (ABC) reports a third consecutive year of declining total acreage, now at 1.52 million—down 40,000 acres from the previous year.
California Ag Today
Eleventh-hour national monument designations from the Biden Administration add more than half a million acres to California’s historic 30×30 initiative.
California Ag Today
To the tune of $1.15 million dollars, this week the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Fertlizer Research and Education Program announced awards going out to five new projects that aim to improve nutrient and irrigation management practices.
California Ag Today
Governor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order directing state agencies to address the health risks associated with ultra-processed foods and synthetic food dyes.
California Ag Today
Governor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order directing state agencies to address the health risks associated with ultra-processed foods and synthetic food dyes.
California Ag Today
A positive outlook emerged from the 52nd Annual Almond Conference, held in December in Sacramento.
California Ag Today
Agricultural involvement is encouraged in a research project assessing the inventory of mobile off-road equipment and electrical infrastructure.
California Ag Today
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council has been awarded $1.5 million in funding from the USDA’s Regional Agricultural Promotion Program, also known as RAPP.
California Ag Today
California's state agriculture officials have issued a recall for raw milk from Valley Milk Simply Bottled, a Central Valley dairy, after detecting the bird flu virus in a bulk tank sample.
California Ag Today
Through October, there have been 44 confirmed livestock losses due to wolves in the state.
California Ag Today
This $10,000 award recognizes landowners for exceptional stewardship of soil, water, and wildlife habitat.
California Ag Today
California Farm Bureau’s “Stronger Together” 2024 Annual Meeting is coming up December 7-10 in Monterey. We caught up with CFBF President Shannon Douglass.
California Ag Today
Over the past year, the California State Board of Food and Agriculture initiated a public process to define regenerative agriculture for state policies and programs.
California Ag Today
The California Citrus Weather Watch program provided by California Citrus Mutual runs from November 15th until March 15th each year.
California Ag Today
The National Pork Producers Council is speaking out after Senate Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow released the Senate Democrats’ 2024 Farm Bill draft. While the NPPC acknowledges the effort to move the bill forward, they’re calling it “not viable” due to its failure to address California’s Proposition 12.
California Ag Today
Over the last two and a half years, American Farm Bureau Federation Economist Bernt Nelson says more than 100 million birds have been affected. Over $18M has already been paid out to offset dairy losses.
California Ag Today
The University of California, Riverside has received $1.5 million in grants from the California Department of Food and Agriculture to lead three pioneering projects aimed at transforming California’s specialty crop sector.
California Ag Today
Controversy on the measure against CAFOs was so high that a threatening email prompted the Sonoma County Farm Bureau — the initiative’s primary organizing opponent — to lock its office doors and examine other safety measures.