Strategic Farmland Investments

Strategic Farmland Investments

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

Farmland prices are historically high while many crops are not profitable to grow. This makes it more difficult than ever for farmers to make strategic investments in land to grow their operation for the long term. Fractal Agriculture is a company that wants to help solve this through fractional ownership arrangements between farmers and investors.

Mehmen.. “Deals come when there's no money and money's there when there's no deals. And Fractal is something that is a tool to have some dry powder to capitalize on those opportunities.”

That’s Kyle Mehmen of MBS Family Farms who was an early Fractal user. He was recently featured on a webinar sharing his experiences.

Mehmen… “The reason that farmers are typically willing to pay a little too much for the farm across the fence is 'cause it's worth it. Uh, it's never going to be for sale again. Or, it really comes down to relationships maybe you've had for years and years, and then all of a sudden dad passes away. And he was 92 and the kids are 70 and they're not interested in, maintaining ownership of the farm.”

Mehmen sees Fractal as an important tool that is uniquely suited for certain farmland investments.

Mehmen… “I really see it as a valuable tool in my toolbox and a way for me to, even in tough times, be able to capitalize on an opportunity that may be across the fence as an investment.”

That’s farmer Kyle Mehmen.

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