2024 Highlights for the Dairy Checkoff
We’re talking dairy in today’s program and, in a rarity here as we look to dairy coverage over the last several months, we are not talking about that one issue. “That which must not be named,” for all of you Harry Potter fans.No, we are talking about the dairy checkoff and some highlights for the year, one of which was working with folks in the health industry. Dairy Management Inc. President and CEO Barbara O’Brien…
“There are fundamental shifts we're seeing with some of the health community where they're reconsidering and importantly recommending dairy in the diet.”
Along with influencers in the medical world, that word – influencer –traverses into the online world where checkoff-led efforts with social media influencers are creating awareness and getting consumers talking about dairy and seeking recipes.
Alongside those efforts, the dairy checkoff is also continuing to focus on the relationship between dairy consumption and a child’s cognitive development…
“I want farmers across the country to know that we continue to be committed to the next generation. In school, in home, online, gaming, we're using all of the tools in the toolbox, nationally and locally, to make sure we're connecting with kids where they are.”
For more information about the dairy checkoff, visit dairycheckoff.com.