Gloomy observation

Gloomy observation

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Anna Nagurney is the Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies and is PhD Coordinator in Management Science and Director of the Virtual Center for Supernetworks Operations & Information Management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

“In the U.S., about 40 percent of the food supply is wasted, with about 1/3 of that at the retail and consumer levels. This translates into 200 billion pounds of food waste valued at over $160 billion. Reducing food waste through the food supply chain could help to feed those in need, and could also aid in the conservation of resources, such as land, water, energy and labor, used in producing, process and storing, and disposing of discarded food. Also, in addition to reducing food waste, we must do everything possible to mitigate climate change and its effects. We have seen in the pandemic more frequent severe weather events, such as droughts, floods and wild fires that have negatively impacted farm productivity as well as distribution.  This is a critical challenge for our era. There is need for greater cooperation and less competition among stakeholders in food supply chains. Working together we can accomplish so much good.”

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