Resolution of Disapproval Submitted Over Paraguay Beef Imports
Lorrie Boyer
“We've encouraged Congress to take action to stop it. And under the Congressional Review Act, a resolution of disapproval was submitted in the Senate by Senators Mike Rounds from South Dakota and John Custer from Montana, and that passed the Senate with flying colors. It was a vote of like 70 to 20 in favor of the resolution disapproval that will over in the USDA rule, and now the resolution is in the House of Representatives, and we are awaiting scheduling of a vote on that issue, and so we'll soon be sending a membership alert out to our members urge every member of the House of Representatives to vote in favor of The resolution that will better protect our food from the risk of introducing Foot and Mouth Disease third way, so very important issue, but we're kind of in a waiting mode right now.”
Bullard says that the issuance of the final rule by USDA to allow fresh beef to be imported into the US from Paraguay was driven by geopolitical concerns, rather than a desire to import more beef, and they are using the US beef industry as a political pawn.