CWU Agribusiness Program Pt 1

CWU Agribusiness Program Pt 1

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. Just two years in, and Central Washington University’s Food and Agribusiness program is showing lots of promise.

Professor Mike Rogel says there are a couple of different ways to use the program, the first being as your minor …

ROGEL … “For your minor, it really aligns with your full degree here at CWU. So, you get a CWU business major, in whatever specialization or kind of general business that you want, and you can attach to that a minor by doing some of our required and elective credits for the Food and Agribusiness.”

Or, if you prefer, Rogel says you can for the certificate instead …

ROGEL … “I think one of the things that will build over time is that’s gotta mean something. We’ve been really fortunate to have a few groups of great students come through our programs so far and they’re really setting the reputation for what that certification means for the industry.”

The program, Rogel says is really catching on …

ROGEL … “It’s growing each year so far. So, our first year we had a good contingent come through and we’ve got a good growth to that this year. And we’re getting a mixture of different types of students, which is great. It really adds to the classroom where we have some students who get attracted to the idea of agriculture, who wouldn’t have normally chosen that, but realized that that is a vital part, especially here on the West Coast of the United States.”

Tune in tomorrow for more on the Food and Agribusiness minor and certificate program at Central Washington University.

Go to the Central Washington University website to learn more about the Food and Agribusiness program …

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