Immigration Reform Pt 2

Immigration Reform Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. The ag labor shortage has grown in recent years creating a major issue for farmers and consumers across the country.

Idaho Representative Mike Simpson has long been working on immigration reform in Congress and says the Judiciary Committee is busy with a lot of things, but we need them to focus on immigration …

SIMPSON … “And we need to let them know that this is different than what's going on at the border right now. And, in fact, passing this would probably help solve some of the problems with what's going on at the border. Republicans are worried about inflation. Studies have been showing that if you get a legal workforce for agriculture. It will help with inflation. It will help with food costs. What agriculture needs is a stable, reliable workforce.”

Simpson and several others all said it’s going to take a grassroots effort from all of agriculture to get immigration reform passed in Washington …

SIMPSON … “And remember, we had 300 Ag groups that supported it, and not just Ag groups, but Chambers of Commerce, National Bankers Associations, all supported this bill that we had. We need all of them to be calling representatives on the Judiciary Committee, representatives of leadership in the House and in the Senate, to let them know how important this bill is, and what it means to our food supply, and, as we mentioned, to national security.”

For more information on ABIC’s immigration reform efforts,

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