Farm Bureau President Says Farm Bill is a Priority

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall was the keynote speaker over the weekend at the Nebraska Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers annual conference. He said the farm bill is a top priority for all of agriculture, including AFBF in 2023.
Duvall… “We’ve had a farm bill working group working together for a year and a half now and we have identified our priorities and we've taken it to the board. So, we're moving forward. The biggest challenge we've got is that in the last two elections, we've had new people come to Congress, and if you look from the House over to the Senate, there's 260 members that have never been involved in the discussion of the farm bill. So, it's our job as Farm Bureau members and Farm Bureau leadership to make sure that we develop those relationships.”
But Duvall added that the farm bill is not the only issue AFBF is working on.
Duvall… “Whether it be regulation, whether it be transportation, whether it be Waters of the U.S., you know, we're heavily involved in all those in watching for new issues rising to the top to make sure that our farmers and ranchers are aware of them and that they're given the information so they can be engaged in the right level. I just need everybody to play their role. And their role is to be engaged in whatever way they feel comfortable in doing that. Anytime that they spend helping us get that message across is a time well spent and payback will be many times over.”
That’s AFBF President Zippy Duvall.