Agtech Companies Need to Collaborate

Agtech Companies Need to Collaborate

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

In today’s competitive environment, many farmers are looking for an edge to be more efficient and sustainable operators. Claudia Roessler, director of agriculture strategic partnerships at Microsoft says collaboration with data aggregators is a critical missing piece in order to develop industry-wide digital solutions.

Roessler... "Thankfully, we see companies coming to the table; insurance, banks, that want to provide better financial services and advice to growers. We see brands care about transparency, but also sustainable farming and helping farmers to apply more sustainable practices. We see obviously the seed companies and input companies thinking about providing more outcome-based services and we definitely see OEMs thinking more about intelligent equipment. So, there's more of what we call aggregators in the industry that have the power to bring analytics to growers. And again, here we see this ecosystem of solutions, because when you think about all the challenges in the industry with every crop and every region around the world, everything that needs to be solved, nobody is going to develop that on their own. And we really want to bring those companies together that have the subject matter expertise with the ones that have the reach that want to enable and have the funding to be honest to help farmers."

Again that’s Microsoft’s director of agriculture strategic partnerships, Claudia Roessler.

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