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325 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Many vital provisions in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are due to end at the close of next year, and American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall says Congress must not lose sight of protecting those provisions.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. sugar industry leaders were in Seattle recently for the 39th annual International Sweetener Symposium, “Stability, Security, Safety: The Need for a Strong Farm Bill”, hosted by the American Sugar Alliance.
The Agribusiness Update
The stakes are high for a new farm bill, and time is running out, and Alexis Taylor, USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Ag Affairs leads 24 agribusinesses and organizations on a trade mission to Colombia.
The Agribusiness Update
The stakes are high for a new farm bill, and time is running out, and Alexis Taylor, USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Ag Affairs leads 24 agribusinesses and organizations on a trade mission to Colombia.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Each year, members of Congress take time in August to return to their home districts and hear directly from constituents.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
American Farm Bureau’s Director of Government Affairs Joe Gilson says more than 500 farm-related groups have written congressional leaders to say they can wait NO LONGER.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The political fallout from President Biden’s troubling debate performance and its impact on the election has added new uncertainty to the farm bill, according to one American Farm Bureau official.
The Agribusiness Update
In case you didn’t notice, the food for your Fourth of July celebration came with stubbornly high prices at the grocery store, and public health officials in Colorado announced that a dairy farm employee tested positive for avian flu last week.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The House Appropriations Committee is set to mark up a funding bill that could include good news for farmers and ranchers.
The Agribusiness Update
Some 30% of harvested fruits and vegetables worldwide are never eaten due to damage, spoiling or appearance, and the U.S. inventory of all hogs and pigs on June 1 was 74.5 million head, up 1% from a year earlier.
The Agribusiness Update
Before you grab the hose, check out the following watering tips from the University of Georgia Extension, and the U.S. inventory of all hogs and pigs on June 1 was 74.5 million head, up 1% from a year earlier.
Line on Agriculture
Rural areas will have a hard time with EPA electric vehicle mandate.
Fruit Grower Report
After months of fruitless efforts, farm bill talks appear to have reached a stalemate.
The Agribusiness Update
Ag Groups gather to help support the upcoming Congressional Baseball Game, and China bans meat exports from a West Coast cold storage facility near the Port of Oakland after traces of the feed additive ractopamine were found.
The Agribusiness Update
Ag Groups gather to help support the upcoming Congressional Baseball Game, and China bans meat exports from a West Coast cold storage facility near the Port of Oakland after traces of the feed additive ractopamine were found.
The Agribusiness Update
Farmers along Southeast coastal areas need to get their emergency supply kits and first aid kits ready with a busy hurricane season in the forecast, and China bans meat exports from a West Coast cold storage facility near the Port of Oakland after traces of the feed additive ractopamine were found.
California Ag Today
The American Farm Bureau recently sent a letter to USDA and the Department of Labor on the issue.
The Agribusiness Update
America’s young farmers and ranchers are counting on Congress to deliver a new, modernized farm bill, and Pairwise, a company specializing in genetics-based innovations for food and agriculture, has developed the world’s first seedless blackberry.
The Agribusiness Update
America’s young farmers and ranchers are counting on Congress to deliver a new, modernized farm bill, and Pairwise, a company specializing in genetics-based innovations for food and agriculture, has developed the world’s first seedless blackberry.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Mexico has a new president, and that could have implications for U.S. farm trade with our number one foreign market.