Fruit Bites for June 28-30 ... Field Update
BL: Welcome back to another “Fruit Bites” brought to you by Valent U.S.A. With us again is Valent’s Allison Walston. And this week Allison, we are talking about what is happening in the field with the cherries, apples & pears.
BL: Up first, cherries.
AW: some harvest has already started, overall crop loads were down due to that crazy April weather and now this heat wave coming might impact the cherries - hopefully not baking on the tree, harvest crews and cooling down at the packing house.
BL: and pears?
AW: overall fruit set was lower. In Hood River, the pears are starting to turn-down. I’ve seen 2 PNW orchards with pear blister mite this year. Powdery mildew control was challenging in some areas due to the 4 to 5 weeks we had between pink and petal fall.
BL: and apples?
AW: all the15mm Accede thinning demos have been sprayed and fruit thinning continues to be assessed. Based on counts, thinning was very effective this year. Carbohydrate deficit? Hand thinning crews are all over. Aphids and powdery mildew are present in quite a few orchards.
BL: Well, thanks Allison. Join us again next time for Fruit Bites, brought to you by Valent. Until then, I’m Bob Larson.