Fruit Bites for September 13-15 ... Insect Invasion
BL: Welcome back to another “Fruit Bites” brought to you by Valent U.S.A. With us again is Valent’s Allison Walston. And this week Allison, we are talking about insects invading the PNW.AW: this serves as a reminder to keep your eyes peeled for any of the newly invading insects. First up is my personal favorite, the Japanese beetle. This lovely metallic green beetle has been found primarily in the Prosser area. The adults eat over 300 plant species and the immatures, grubs, eat roots mostly of grass.
BL: what about the Asian giant hornet? I heard they renamed it.
AW; yes, the new name is the northern giant hornet. Over 1000 traps were deployed this year to help find & eradicate.
BL; and the scariest threat is the spotted lanternfly.
AW: this polka-dotted planthopper pest is headed west, furthest so far is Indiana and feeds on our agricultural trees out here. They are having a tough time battling it on the east coast. Keep your eyes on the lookout, take pictures & capture any insects that resemble these pests and let your department of agriculture know.
BL: Well, thanks Allison. Join us again next time for Fruit Bites, brought to you by Valent. Until then, I’m Bob Larson.