Ag Disappointed in Spending Bill

Ag Disappointed in Spending Bill

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
I’m Bob Larson. House Ag Democrats advanced part of the $3.5 trillion Biden social spending bill on a party-line vote, after killing several GOP amendments to the $96 billion Ag part of the budget.

Ranking Republican Glenn Thompson was frustrated after failed efforts to keep the stepped-up-basis tax break for farms and ranches …

THOMPSON … “So far, we’ve offered you the chance to adjourn this hearing until we could get more information—you declined. Mr. Feenstra suggested a novel way to protect farmers, but you declined that, too. Mrs. Fischbach offered an amendment drafted from your own words, laying out a powerful case against laying out new taxes on farmers, but you declined that as well.”

That went on for nine hours, as GOP amendments fell, including the House Ag’s unanimously passed $43 billion Broadband Internet for Rural America Act.

A disappointed Ag Committee Chair, Democrat David Scott conceded they had to stick with Speaker Pelosi’s script on the Ag budget …

SCOTT … “I’m in a delicate position, and my position would be weakened. I want to keep myself strong in this, and you and I working together, we got enough Democrats on our side, that we can make a difference in helping our farmers, not be subjected to the step-up.”

But, moderate Senate Democrat Joe Manchin could vote against his party’s $3.5 trillion in social spending …

MANCHIN … “We’ve got to get back this country to where we can look at each other and agree to disagree, and then work through our differences, that’s where the Senate comes in.”

Manchin says he could only back up to $1.5 trillion in new social spending.

, arguing for the urgency of finishing a road and bridge bill first, an order Democrats vehemently oppose.

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