The World's First Autonomous and Electric Tractor

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
ZTractor has commercialized the first ever autonomous electric tractor. Co-founder and CEO Bakur Kvezereli says one of the markets that they’ve found a natural fit with is in winegrapes.
Kvezereli… “Grape growers are a great market for us for multiple reasons. When you make spraying anything in your vineyard, unmanned has a big advantage over that. So you don't get exposed to the chemicals or anything like that.”
Kvezereli says the other reason that winegrapes are a great fit are because the operations can mostly be pre-planned.
Kvezereli… “There is no last moment decision in grapes, you know, it's like it can be planned for a year. There are some cases when you need extra operations, but overall it's very plannable and that's where you can program the tractor and run it like for multiple tasks at one programming and one planning. You can tell it, you start work this time and complete this time.”
The ZTractor is comparable in price to its diesel powered counterparts, and growers can keep their existing implements.
Kvezereli… “The tractor is compatible with the implements you already have in your farm. If you have 48 inch implements like seeders or disc harrows or anything you can imagine in that size and dimension.”
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