Increasing Walnut Snacking
The California Walnut industry wants to increase snacking of that product. Persuading consumers to snack on walnuts all year long is the key to overcome a big oversupply of the product. In fact, Stockton based Diamond Foods has special 72 floor display for grocery stores around the country filled with four-ounce standup snack bags.
Doug Kozlow is Senior Marketing Manage for Diamond Foods. “We did some extensive packaging research across, key demographics and things of that nature. And we'd landed on what we feel is just a really great design, very eye catching--- pops on shelf. Each flavor has its own kind of main color, but the Diamond logo of course is prominent on all eight,” said Kozlow.
Kozlow said Diamond Foods has given itself the best platform, to move walnuts into a major snacking category. “So much so that we've actually even trademark, a tagline of Walnuts Made for Snacking,” he said.
“We've had Made for Homemade as our tagline on the culinary and the baking and the cooking side of the brand for the last four or five years. And so we wanted to massage that a little bit into the stacking category.,” said Kozlow.
“Now we have one that's Made For Snacking, which I think works well to the brand's advantage and then really just communicates to the consumer. Okay. Yeah, these are meant to be snacked on, you know, open the bag and start eating them, it’s, no different than any other snack nut in the market,” Kozlow.