Bison Included in CFAP 2
The National Bison Association says its campaign to have its members included in the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program has paid off.
The USDA announced that bison producers are now eligible for relief under the second round of the CFAP payments which will total 14 billion dollars.
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue spoke to the National Farmers Union recently.
“This is an example of the government working for the people. We asked for your input and we updated the program based on the comments we received.”He added “Bison producers across the country weighed in with public comments to USDA and letters to their Senators and Representatives. It’s encouraging to know that their voices were heard.”
Dave Carter, executive director of the National Bison Association in Westminster released a statement saying that “Bison producers now have the ability to receive assistance in weathering the economic storm that has been wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Carter added that the National Bison Association contacted Perdue in March to request that bison producers be included in any COVID assistance package for agriculture. Carter told Colorado Ag Today they provided USDA with a series of reports documenting the extent of the economic impact that the pandemic had on bison producers and marketers.
Carter noted that bison ranchers were frustrated as USDA excluded them from eligibility when CFAP assistance packages were announced in May and July.
Bison ranchers can begin the process of applying for assistance. Sign up will run through December 11th.