No Christmas Tree Shortage Pt 1
I’m Bob Larson. By now, we’ve all heard about this year’s Christmas Tree Shortage. By God, if you want a tree, get out early and be ready to pay more.I found that interesting, considering Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association Executive Director, Angie Smith says there is NO SHORTAGE …
SMITH … “We are not going to run out of Christmas trees. I can tell you that there is no situation different this year than there has been the last several years. Three has, admittedly, been a tighter supply, but everyone has gotten a tree in the past couple of years and everybody will get a tree this year as well.”
But what about the grower who said we’d fall a million trees short this year?
SMITH … “I saw that article and I was a bit shocked at that statistic. I have no idea where they determined the trees would be short by a full million. I don’t know where they’re getting their information.”
Although, Smith says there are few growers than a decade ago …
SMITH … “I do know that Christmas trees take five, six, seven, eight years to grow to the right size. And, about ten years ago, we had several situations that came into play at the same time. We had a glut of trees. As a result, certain growers decided not to plant as many that year. We had a recession at that time so growers decided not to plant as much that year. Some decided to take the opportunity to retire completely from the business.”
Listen tomorrow for more on the Christmas Tree Shortage misinformation.