Wet-Aged vs. Dry-Aged Beef. What Tastes Better?
At Agri Beef, they pride themselves in offering delicious beef cuts for every occasion. And in a recent blog on www.snakeriverfarms.com, the question was posed-what tastes better? Wet-aged or dry-aged beef?The simple answer-they're both fantastic!
Historically, people have been dry-aging beef forever. Literally. When beef is dry-aged, cuts are exposed to air in a controlled environment. This exposure breaks down fat and muscle fibers making them more tender.
Wet-aging is relatively new in comparison to it's dry-age counterpart. In recent decades, the development of the air-tight cryovac process has allowed beef producers to more efficiently process and store meat. The benefit of aging still occurs within the cryovac (thick plastic packaging) whereby the beef fibers are broken down over time making them more tender and flavorful.
In the end, both dry-aged and wet-aged beef from Snake River Farms is some of the best meat available anywhere. But, depending on the cut, your taste preferences or the occasion, one aging method over another might better suite your needs.
To learn more visit either www.agribeef.com or www.snakeriverfarms.com.