FFA Foundatioini Golf Tournament/Auction Pt 2
I'm Bob Larson. We began yesterday telling you about the first-ever golf tournament to raise funds for the Washington FFA Foundation to pay travel expenses for state officers. The tournament is being held August 23rd at the Apple Tree Golf Course in Yakima with a dinner and auction to follow.Foundation Executive Director Jesse Taylor believes the fundraising goal is reasonable ...
TAYLOR-5 = 12 ... "Early on, I stated that I was hoping I could raise $24,000 total. I think it's achievable and if it comes in over, I'll take that too."
Taylor says so far, they have 12-hole sponsors, but more would be fantastic ...
TAYLOR-6 = 23 ... "At this point, I am looking for corporate hole sponsors. I've got sponsors out of the banking industry, agronomy industry, I've got feed and fertilizer industry. I've got, kind of, all realms of the ag industry who are already sponsors in the tournament."
Taylor says FFA has been and will be continue to be a great asset for bringing young people to agriculture in our state ...
TAYLOR-13 = 7 ... "It does. It helps out ag employers and we drive kids to the ag industry each year."
Taylor says six state officers visit 80 to 100 schools each year spreading word of all the great things that FFA does.
If you like to golf, would like to sponsor a hole or even donate an auction item, just contact Jesse Taylor at jesse@washingtonffa.org or got their website at waffafoundation.org.
You can reach Jesse Taylor at (253) 208-9071 or via email at ... jesse@washingtonffa.org
Or, you can find more about the golf tournament at their website ... https://waffafoundation.org/2018-golf-tournament/