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12 Results
The Agribusiness Update
China's October soybean imports drop 41% from a year earlier, and Senators say the Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act will improve market conditions.
The Agribusiness Update
This is the 2nd Annual Washington Apple Week and NCBA behind a push to expand beef processing capacity in 2021 up to 5-6 thousand head daily.
Fruit Grower Report
The 33rd Annual Auction of Washington Wines will be held virtually this week thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fruit Grower Report
The 33rd Annual Auction of Washington Wines will be held virtually this week thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fruit Grower Report
The 33rd Annual Auction of Washington Wines will be held virtually this week thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Agribusiness Update
Demand for some grocery food items surges as restaurants close, and USDA working to be as flexible as possible to get food out.
Land & Livestock Report
Order Delicious Agri Beef Holiday Items Online
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington FFA Foundation to hold first-ever golf tournament, dinner, and auction in Yakima August 23rd to raise funds for organization.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
FFA Foundation holding an August 23rd Golf tournament and auction to raise funds for officer travel.