Foot and Mouth Concerns
There were about 350 attendees at this year's Governor's Forum on Colorado Agriculture.The Department of Agriculture's Undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, Greg Ibach, spoke on principles that are being proposed in the next farm bill that are relevant to his role as the marketing and regulatory undersecretary.
"Are they we want enhance the Partnerships not only on in Washington DC but Across the Nation and very much USDA working with States on in Cooperative Ventures to be able to promote programs that will eradicate pests and diseases in our crops sounds that will focus on Animal Health Discerning the industry about what would be the impact if foot mouth disease was to come to the United States and I know within the pork industry in the beef industry lot of conversation about some type of programs into the farm bill that will address the prevention and protection against fmd and that's very much on our radar screen as well."
Additionally, specialty crops and organic are being addressed in the next farm bill.