Marshall River Beef Symposium
Handing down the family farm or ranch from one generation to the next can be a difficult transition for any family. But with the average farmer or rancher older than 57 years, more and more Colorado families are facing the challenge.
Those farmers and ranchers can hear sound advice from a professional planner Brent Bright from K-Coe Isom on how to go about the transition at the Marshall River Beef Symposium.
((From one generation to another. It's how to start the discussion if it's something that's needed, how you would go about making that transition, how do you open up the discussion, what are the laws, what are the tax advantages, disadvantages.))
Kellee Mitchell Smith with the Colorado Livestock Association - host of the symposium.
She says the Symposium will also hold discussions on Grassland Plant Production Forecasts, Beef Grading Changes, Effective Safety Training and the Weather Outlook.
The Marshall River Beef Symposium is being held at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Hugo February 20th