Forecast Troubling for Colorado
Scientists with the US Drought Monitor are concerned we might be headed for another deep drought the likes of which haven't been seen in about 5 years.Meteorologist Richard Heim writes "Mountain snowpack was abysmally low, reaching record low levels for this time of year in parts of New Mexico and Colorado,"
Climate scientists and managers of water agencies describe the situation as a "snow drought," driven in part by winter temperatures that are well above the long-term average.
Brad Rippey Meteorologist for the USDA says the maps show a greater coverage of dry conditions across the whole country than in 2012. (67 percent versus 58 in 2012)
And 38 percent of the US is considered to be drought the same percentage in February 2012.
The amount of snow on the ground is far below average across the Colorado River Basin, where a 17-year run of mostly dry years has left reservoirs at alarmingly low levels.
Abnormal dryness or drought are currently affecting approximately 4,963,000 people in Colorado, which is about 99% of the state's population.