Soybean Visit & Compliance Penalties
Soybean Visit & Compliance Penalties. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Soybean farmers from South Dakota will be coming to the northwest as part of the fifth annual See for Yourself Pacific Northwest mission. The South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council is inviting soy producers to experience a firsthand look at export locations throughout Washington state so they will better understand where their soybeans go and how they are processed. Attendees also will gain knowledge of how their checkoff dollars are invested to promote their soybean crop both domestically and internationally. Interestingly, aquaculture is one of the fastest growing animal agriculture markets for soybean meal.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture's Confined Animal Feeding Operation or CAFO Program had an average of 502 facilities registered to a CAFO Permit. During 2015, the program issued 39 Notices of Non Compliance/Plan of Corrections, which equal 6 percent of the total inspections performed. William Matthews with ODA says this is pretty routine.
MATTHEWS: This is an annual activity for us and basically it's just part of our agreement, the permit that we issue to these facilities is a federal NPDS permit and as part of our agreement we notice the penalties on an annual basis to the public. Just to remind folks that compliance is probably a better route to take.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.