Potato Lovers' Club
Have you visited potatogoodness.com lately? it is the consumer side of the United States Potato Board website. One icon on the home page is for the Potato Lovers Club — which consists of a group of diverse food bloggers from around the web, all with one common theme: they love potatoes! USPB Global Consumer Marketing Manager Meredith Myers shares moreMyers: “These are people who are people who're popular and are a tier-two blogger range — so they have a lot of followers but they are not totally celebrities yet. But they have really solid recipes. Their attitude towards food compliments our attitude towards food and nutrition. They absolutely fit into our strategic imperative of make potatoes exciting. So we have partnered with them. We pay them to use their recipes on our website as well as our publicity but then we share the love back to them because we feature them, their blog. We link back to their blog in both the recipe and in our Potato Lovers Club section.”
Myers shares an additional benefit of this program
Myers: “The other thing that we love about this is that it really builds that foundation for communicating with the food blogger community which is becoming more and more important as we see with other organizations and other brands.”