Certifying Conservation Compliance
Certifying Conservation ComplianceI’m Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
USDA Farm Service Agency State Executive Director Judy Olson says that they are working hard to get the word out that certain producers may need to take action to remain eligible for crop insurance premium support due to new 2014 Farm Bill requirements.
OLSON: June 1st is a critical deadline for folks that want to participate in the federal crop insurance subsidy for their crop insurance to have their AD-1026 - it’s their form that shows that they’re performing conservation compliance - that has to be on file in our office on June 1st.
Olson says that most farmers already have a certification form on file since it’s required for participation in most USDA programs.
OLSON: The people that we are trying to contact are non-traditional customers - specifically orchardists and fruits and vegetable producers.
Olson stresses that such specialty crop growers who receive federal crop insurance premium support may not be participating in other USDA programs, and must now file a certification form to maintain their crop insurance premium support.
For additional information and assistance producers should contact their local FSA office before the June 1 deadline. Producers filing by the deadline will be eligible for federal crop insurance premium support during the 2016 reinsurance year, which begins July, 1, 2015.
That’s Washington Ag Today.
I’m Lacy Gray with the Ag Information Network of the West.