AGPROfessionals Part 2.
AGPROfessionals Part 2. I'm Greg Martin with Colorado Ag Today.If you are looking to get into animal agriculture or wanting to make a change in your current operation then you should call AGPROfessionals. Tom Haren, CEO with AGPROfessionals says keeping up with technology can be a challenge.
HAREN: We've had to change our company culture and management and philosophy and human resources for dealing with the generation that honestly, they were born and raised never not having a cellphone or an iPod. They don't know what a cassette recorder is or even a pay phone. So this technology is just second nature to them.
Even with the changes in technology a lot of the information has not changed.
HAREN: Some of it might look different but we've always led our clients into sustainability. To be successful their business needs to be a business model that's sustainable. Even 20 years ago, things have advanced but even 20 years ago in order to be successful and sustainable in a large confined feeding operation you have to protect your assets, your property, your farm ground, your water. Your air quality even effects your livestock and your employees.
Let's say you are toying with getting into the ag business, where do you start?
HAREN: The first part is a plan. If you are trying to achieve a goal or hit a target and you don't really have a pathway to get there your odds of hitting that target are pretty slim. So we spend a lot of time up front with clients and this part is the feasibility business model part.
And that's Colorado Ag Today. I'm Greg Martin, thanks for listening on the Ag Information Network of the West.