The Science of Wheat Production
The Science of Wheat ProductionI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
The first ever WSU Extension Wheat Academy taking place December 16 and 17 at the Vogel Plant Biosciences Building Teaching Laboratories on WSU's Pullman campus is an opportunity for growers and consultants to learn about the science behind wheat production. WSU Cooperative Extension Small Grains and Research Scientist Dr. Drew Lyon explains.
LYON: The idea behind the academy was to try to delve a little deeper into the science behind a lot of the recommendations we make in agriculture, and especially in dryland agriculture and wheat production.
Lyon says that instead of the typical 20 or 30 minute presentations the academy has scheduled 75 minute presentations with expert speakers from WSU, Oregon State University, USDA and more also providing a hands on learning activity.
LYON: So, in addition to some lecture type material they'll also get a chance in most of these to do something with their hands to see how - how to titrate soil pH is one example, or how to do a test for wheat quality; again, trying to get at the science and get at something a little deeper than we generally do when we go out and give a half day or day meeting.
Twelve different topics will be covered during the event dealing with soil quality, herbicide, pest and micronutrient management. Interest in this inaugural hands-onWheat Academy has been great with the 60 registrant spots now being filled. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, contact the WSU Extension at 509-335-1719.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray with the Ag Information Network of the West.